名称 最后更新
Attribute 正在载入提交数据...
Bundle 正在载入提交数据...
CacheClearer 正在载入提交数据...
CacheWarmer 正在载入提交数据...
Config 正在载入提交数据...
Controller 正在载入提交数据...
ControllerMetadata 正在载入提交数据...
DataCollector 正在载入提交数据...
Debug 正在载入提交数据...
DependencyInjection 正在载入提交数据...
Event 正在载入提交数据...
EventListener 正在载入提交数据...
Exception 正在载入提交数据...
Fragment 正在载入提交数据...
HttpCache 正在载入提交数据...
Log 正在载入提交数据...
Profiler 正在载入提交数据...
Resources 正在载入提交数据...
CHANGELOG.md 正在载入提交数据...
HttpClientKernel.php 正在载入提交数据...
HttpKernel.php 正在载入提交数据...
HttpKernelBrowser.php 正在载入提交数据...
HttpKernelInterface.php 正在载入提交数据...
Kernel.php 正在载入提交数据...
KernelEvents.php 正在载入提交数据...
KernelInterface.php 正在载入提交数据...
LICENSE 正在载入提交数据...
README.md 正在载入提交数据...
RebootableInterface.php 正在载入提交数据...
TerminableInterface.php 正在载入提交数据...
UriSigner.php 正在载入提交数据...
composer.json 正在载入提交数据...

HttpKernel Component

The HttpKernel component provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response by making use of the EventDispatcher component. It's flexible enough to create full-stack frameworks, micro-frameworks or advanced CMS systems like Drupal.


The HttpKernel component for Symfony 5.4/6.0 is backed by Les-Tilleuls.coop.

Les-Tilleuls.coop is a team of 50+ Symfony experts who can help you design, develop and fix your projects. We provide a wide range of professional services including development, consulting, coaching, training and audits. We also are highly skilled in JS, Go and DevOps. We are a worker cooperative!

Help Symfony by sponsoring its development!
